Manufacturer of mobile and prefabricated houses
Mobile homes for year-round use
Our Kolodom provides living in modern wooden mobile and prefabricated houses for all those who love to live life according to their own ideas. If the housing area does not suit you or you do not have time to build a standard building, our Kolodom will be a great solution for you. We will make the wheelbarrow in the production hall and then bring the finished mobile home to your property.
Contact usHow can you use Kolodom?
We will make a Kolodom mobile home for you for various purposes. It is up to you how your mobile home will be used.
You can choose from three versions of Kolodom. If you want a mobile home in a more affordable variant, there is the STANDARD version for you. If you prefer quality, custom-made furniture, LUXURY is the best choice for you. If you are the adventurous type and don't want or can't be connected to el. energy, in that case we have an Off-GRID version for you. You can click on the configurator separately for each design.

Mobile home in STANDARD version
- Low price
- Typical kitchen unit
- Easily available materials
- The clear ceiling height is 2.1 m

Mobile home in the LUXURY version
- Quality materials
- Custom layout
- Unique design
- The clear height of the ceiling is 2.6 m
Off grid

Mobile home in the OFFGRID version
- Independent and self-sufficient
- Kolodom without connection to utility networks
- No bureaucracy
- The latest technologies
Benefits of a mobile home
Tour of mobile homes
We invite you to view the mobile homes at our factory in Liptovský Mikuláš, where we also have an exclusive Kolodom Showroom. You can also see our mobile home near Bratislava, by the lake in Boldog village (Senec district).
Come and see for yourself the QUALITY of mobile homes.
We are looking forward to you!
SCHEDULE A VIEWING WITH US today!We make your dreams aboutnon-traditional living come true
Online advisor
We have selected for you the most common questions with answers that interest you when buying a mobile home.
Come for a tour1. Is Kolodom also sold as Holodom?
2. What does the price of the holodom include?
3. Is it possible to live in the house all year round?
4. What if it gets too small over time? Can the houses be connected?
5. How is the house supplied with water, electricity and waste?
6. Do you also offer a solid fuel furnace?
7. Is it possible to install a chemical toilet?
8. What must be prepared on the land before the house is installed?
9. Is a building permit required for a mobile home?
10. Is transport and setting up of the land included in the price?
11. Is it possible to transport a mobile home abroad?
12. What is the insulation of Kolodom?
13. How much does energy consumption cost in 1 mobile home?
14. How is the heating in Kolodome handled?
15. Who is Kolodom suitable for?
16. What is an Off-grid mobile home?
Popravde ani neviem, kde mám začať. V prvom rade sa chcem aj týmto spôsobom poďakovať celej firme KOLODOM za úžasné odvedenú prezícnu prácu. Všetko ste mi zabezpečili na komplet od samého začiatku od vizualizácie projektu po elektrinu , vodu , strechu až po umiestnenie celej prevádzky na svoje terajšie miesto. Môžem všetko hodnotiť na 100% aj čo sa týka vašich zamestnancov vždy mysleli na najmenší detail pri realizácii a podotýkam prevádzka bola riešená na mieru takýto profesionálny prístup sa v dnešnej dobe už malo kde nájde. Taktiež sa chcem poďakovať vedeniu firmy keďže s mojej strany bolo viacero zmien pri realizácii a že ste mi vždy vyšli v ústrety a spravili ste mi prevádzku podľa mojich predstáv až nad očakávania. Prajem vám veľa zákazníkov a určite vás budem odporúčať ďalej dúfam, že sa znovu stretneme pri nejakom novom projekte.
- Filip
My máme od Kolodomu dva domčeky spájané na pozemku do L cca 70m2 obytnej plochy. Čo sa týka samotnej kvality a remeselného spracovania, je to na jednotku. Najväčšia ich devíza v porovnaní s inými výrobcami je v ponúkanej variabilite a možnostiach. U nikoho iného nie je možnosť si domček vyladiť tak podľa svojich predstáv ako u Kolodomu. A sú ochotní o všetkom konzultovať a poradiť. A čo sa týka osadenia a privezenia domu na pozemok s obmedzeným prístupom, tak sú odhodlaní vám ho priviesť skoro všade. A ak sa nájdu nejaké nedostatky, tak sú veľmi ochotní ich aj dodatočne odstrániť, to sa dnes obzvlášť cení. Čiže, keď to zhrniem, to naj je na nich ponúkaná variabilita, kvalita, odhodlanosť a komunikácia.
- Miroslav